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AICE member Disa Sauter recently joined Sophie Scott on BBC's podcast "The Conversation" for a discussion on the science and significance of laughter.

The episode, titled "Lessons in Laughter" takes listeners on a journey through the science of laughter. Dr. Sauter and Professor Scott share insights into why we laugh, how it has evolved, and its significance in our daily lives.

Key topics covered include:

  • The Origins of Laughter: Discover the evolutionary roots of laughter and how it has developed across different species, including humans.
  • Functions of Laughter: Learn about the various purposes laughter serves, from social bonding to stress relief.
  • The Importance of Laughter in Our Lives: Understand how laughter impacts our mental and emotional wellbeing, and why it's considered an important  part of human interaction.

We invite you to listen to this enlightening conversation and gain a deeper appreciation for the power of laughter. This podcast episode is sure to leave you smiling and perhaps even laughing out loud!