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The Social Cognition Research Harmonization Group (RHG) co-led by AICE member Tim Ziermans surveyed 98 experts from 25 countries to identify reliable assessment tools.

Social cognition research encompasses any type of assessment that informs us on how people process social and/or emotional information, including emotion perception, empathy and mentalizing measures. To address measurement limitations and challenges within social cognitive research, a group of experts co-led by AICE mamber Tim Ziermans convened to form a social cognition Research Harmonization Group (RHG). For the first aim of this study, the RHG surveyed a global group of experts in social cognition, from various clinical and non-clinical backgrounds, including AICE members, to gather nominations for cross-culturally and transdiagnostically appropriate measures. Ninety-eight experts residing in 25 countries across five continents responded to the invitation and nominated a total of 81 tasks for further qualitative evaluation in a Delphi study to reach consensus.