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The ADFES-BIV is an adaptation of the Northern European set of stimuli from the ADFES and encompasses videos displaying three different standardised intensities (low, intermediate and high) of all 9 emotions. The set includes 370 short videos (1040ms each), of which 10 videos are specifically for the use of practice and familiarisation within experiments (one for each emotional expression category). The emotional expressions shown are: anger, disgust, fear, sadness, surprise, happiness, pride, contempt, embarrassment, and neutral. Each emotion is expressed by 7 male and 5 female encoders at low, intermediate, and high expression intensity.

The stimuli are used and validated in the following paper: Wingenbach TSH, Ashwin C, Brosnan M (2016). Validation of the Amsterdam Dynamic Facial Expression Set – Bath Intensity Variations (ADFES-BIV): A Set of Videos Expressing Low, Intermediate, and High Intensity Emotions. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0147112. pmid:26784347 (

Researchers who are interested in getting access to these stimuli for research purposes, can send an email to the first author: Tanja Wingenbach: