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After your request is evaluated you will be contacted with instructions how to download the stimulus set.


The researchers involved in producing this stimulus set permit its use for scientific research, free of charge, on the basis of the following agreement with the user: 

  1. No copies will be made or distributed without explicit consent of the producers. Publishing examples of the stimuli in scientific papers is allowed after obtaining written consent from the producers.
  2. Any commercial use of the stimulus set is strictly prohibited.
  3. The user will provide the Department of Social Psychology at theUniversity of Amsterdam with copies of any publications in which the set has been used (for information only).
  4. The user will cite the stimulus set with the following reference:
    Van der Schalk, J., Hawk, S. T., Fischer, A. H., & Doosje, B. J. (in press).Moving faces, looking places: The Amsterdam Dynamic Facial Expressions Set (ADFES), Emotion.
  5. The user will confirm agreement by ticking the box below, by providing a valid e-mail address and by declaring affiliation with an accredited research institution.